The Blitzkrieg is a tactic where the soldiers were remove by the Machines to attack the enemy positions, the planes and tanks attacked very fast with the fire of artillery, that causes a very fear and fire storm on the enemy lines that the enemy can't counterattack by the power and speed of the attack, Through the employment of combined arms in manoeuvre warfare, blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance the enemy by making it difficult for it to respond to the continuously changing front, then defeat it in a decisive Vernichtungsschlacht (Battle of annihilation).
At last, this tactic was created by Germany, General Heinz Guderian, Field Marshall Erich Von Manstein and Field Marshall Erwin Rommel were who innovated the war tactics used their own plans and maneuvers, Heinz Guderian was the father of the Panzers (Tanks) maneuvers and he wrote a book about the Panzers, Erich Von Manstein was the best strategic general on the war he was the brain of the fall gelb (Battle of France) and by his sickle movement on the campaign, France fell and Erwin Rommel was who innovated the tanks maneuvers and he modified the artillery specially the flak 88, using as antitank and antiaircraft at the same time and he always attacked with a small army but he always won.
Battles that was used:
Invansion of Poland
Invansion of Denmark and Norway
Fall Gelb (Battle of France)
Battle of England (Air battle and bombing)
North Africa Campaign
Operation Barbarossa
Stalingrad (Beginning)
Battle of Kurks (Beginning)
Battle of the Bulge (Beginning)